Stress bUSting exams WITH us at CBTMindfulness
Just like adults’ children and young people feel worried and anxious at times of their life, some which is normal. However even the brightest of kids can be affected with exam pressure, increasing anxiety which can affect performance.
Stress and Anxiety can stop us in our tracks
Children express anxiety in different ways, behaviourally or emotionally, which can make them drift away from concentrating on the here and now due to the stress of exams pressure and results. Our “Stress Busting” course provides a five-week programme to help children and young people manage their anxiety before, during and after exams as well as for their future. Our programme provides the following
Awareness of anxiety and stress socially, physical and emotionally
Interventions to manage anxiety, and manage in exam settings
Help make effective use of revision time, especially when anxious
Techniques to help in everyday life and future life skills
This programme aims to teach children how to manage their anxiety in an interactive group session, this will support them to perform their best in exam conditions.
The programme is presented by Jenny Darling and Kirren Kaur. Jenny is a mindfulness practitioner who has worked with young children and is a CBT lecturer.
Kirren Kaur is also an accredited CBT Therapist and has worked within mental health for 6 years. Kirren has three children two of whom have been through the 11+ exams.