Supervision: A key ingredient to good therapy
About me as a Supervisor
I am a BABCP accredited supervisor. I regularly provide supervision to students, trainees and fellow professionals in group and 1 to 1 settings. I have undertaken Supervision training at the University of Sheffield. Helped set supervision structure for Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) in Leeds and acted as one of their senior supervisors. I have regular 2 weekly supervisions. I understand the importance of clear structured and well-reviewed supervision
What Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Supervision?
CBT Clinical supervision allows therapists to discuss clinical cases in a safe and supportive environment. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy supervision is a collaborative process in which the Therapist and Supervisor work together to consider clinical cases that the Therapist is working with in order to ensure that the therapists clients receive the very and safe care possible.
Clinical Supervision is an essential aspect of CBT practice, and whether you practice individually or as part of an organisation you should seek supervision with an appropriate supervisor.
Who Do I Provide Supervision To?
I offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Supervision to:
BABCP Accredited CBT Therapists
Trainee CBT Therapists
Therapists or Counsellors with an interest in CBT principles.
Clinical or Counselling Psychologists seeking to increase their skills in using a CBT approach.
Clinicians Working towards BABCP Practitioner Accreditation
NHS Trusts (including IAPT Services) seeking additional professional CBT Supervision for their staff.
What Can I Offer You?
I can offer a safe and nurturing environment in which you can develop your practice for the benefit of your clients. I will take time to understand where you are in your clinical career, and what your learning and development goals for the future are. If you are working with particular clinical populations .
I am able to work with you using standard CBT Supervision tools such as CTS-R ratings in order to help you improve both clinical and academic CBT Practice.
I can offer you the benefits of receiving Clinical Supervision individually being responsive and flexible to your clinical needs.
I offer supervision sessions face to face, but I am also able to offer phone based supervision. (its useful that we meet at least once or twice in person if you are working towards accreditation or upkeep of accreditation with the BABCP.)
Many clinicians arrange monthly, fortnightly or weekly clinical supervision with me on a rolling basis – however by special agreement I am able to support therapists in working towards a particular time-limited clinical goal.
'My sessions with Jenny have been more than delightful ! We were able to form a very warm and professional relationship, in which I felt confident sharing any concerns I had about my clinical performance.
Attending regular supervision while facing challenges did not only make me feel better, but I also recognized leaving each session encouraged to implement what we have disccused and to make reflection-in-action decisions . That was all thanks to her impressive theoretical and practical knowledge about CBT, and nevertheless, to her skills to engage me in Socratic Dialogue, which specifically helped me to understand the nature of my dilemmas by accessing and interpreting my own underlying assumptions. '' I.N.